Thursday 7 November 2013

Thor: The Dark World

I've been wanting to start this blog about films for a while now but I couldn't decide how to start it. However, I went to see Thor 2 yesterday (06/11/13) and thought it could be the perfect lead in to a blog which will undoubtedly contain a lot of comic book movie reviews and references!

I am a huge fan of the Marvel film franchise, whilst I admit that not all of their movies are perfect (cough*Iron Man 2 *cough). So I was relatively confident that I would be going to see a family-friendly, fun little action movie with lots of cool effects but a somewhat predictable plot. Which to some extent it was but I don't think that took away from the entertainment value at all. What I was actually surprised by were the many little twists and turns that came out of nowhere and also
the really tender moments between the family members that were unexpectedly emotional! We've come to expect some good comedy moments from the Marvel films and this one did not disappoint there: look out in particular for Captain America's sort of cameo and Thor's first experience of the London Underground! After the traumatic experience in the Avengers it seems that Stellan Skarsgard's Dr. Selvig has had a complete mental breakdown, which Skarsgard plays hilariously! Speaking of amazing performances, for me, Tom Hiddleston steals the show once again as Loki- he just looks like he's having so much fun playing the mischievous and naughty character! Also, Rene Russo as the boys' mother Frigga brought a very down to earth, motherly aspect to an otherwise abnormal family situation! I think the only improvement I would've liked is that the science aspect be better explained because it's quite pivotal to the plot and whilst a lot of science jargon was thrown around, I don't think it was properly explained what was happening or why.

Rating: 8/10
Not quite Avengers level awesomeness but better than the Iron Man sequels and gives hope for future sequels like Cap's next year!

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