Sunday 29 December 2013

Turbo and other kids films

Had a family outing this weekend to see DreamWorks' Turbo- loved it :) It's amazing how Ryan Reynolds' dry sarcasm manages to come through even in cartoon snail form! As does Sammy L. Jackson's supreme badass-ness!

I have actually watched a few kids films lately and I must admit I am a still huge fan of them even as I approach 21. There is something comforting and magical about curling up on the cold winter days with a good Disney film or some Harry Potter. If a kids film is good it really can be enjoyed at any age! They are so full of optimism and many of them, like Turbo, carry the message that your dreams can come true no matter what obstacles you may face- which is a pretty cool thing to be teaching kids I say!

If Turbo was good then Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs was great! I haven't seen the new one yet but the trailer for it looked so funny that I had to buy the first one. I bought the 3D version as we have the LG3D TV and the 3D effects were pretty good, more for depth than popping out of the screen but they weren't as shaky as some 3D effects can be. Not only did cloudy have all of the regular 'you can achieve your dreams' stuff but there was also a lot of serious emotion and intelligence which was surprising coming from a film about raining food! I found the film to be a reflection on American greed and consumerism as well as a story about family and believing in yourself...and it has a really cool talking monkey!

Grab your younger siblings/little cousins/friend's children and go to the cinema to see the next kids film that comes out..or just go with some friends (it's dark in the cinema, no-one cares!) I promise that you will be feeling good by the time the credits roll!

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